Creative Web Design

.bs--1 .bs__content--1 img {
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@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
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Creative Web Design

Web Design is different from the skill of web designer to pure web designing. The reason is simple: we have to ensure search engines can index and read your website easily such as Google. Essentially websites are a balancing of factors all of which are not attainable at the same time between purely graphic and need to ensure your website can be found. Too many graphic and great-looking websites that no one can find. Too many technical details on your website that are found in search engines which no one likes. Thus the moral is Your Website needs a trade-off between web design and technical content.

Designing is a very important part of web development. It shows the flow of your website which will be visible to the users visiting your website. We like to look good in real life. Our website should also look good to attract more visitors which leads to increasing our business. The money that you invest in your website can be easily recovered with a good website that brings profits over time.

Making a design unique is also important. A website represents an image of your brand so make sure you have the website designed that gives a good image of trust and reliability to the customers when they visit your website.


Your website needs to be designed in such a way that website development is suitable for it. We feel happy that it makes the website attractive to corresponding customers and has all the technical “smarts” to make the website successful.

Different Types of Websites To Suit All Types of Businesses

We develop and design a wide range of websites to suit the needs of clients. Whether they want to display just a page, Info-pages, E-commerce website, Custom CMS Development, Software, or Content management system, we develop and design all.

Creative Web Design and Google

We think that as a business owner, you have the right to know the relation between web design and Google.

Regarding website design, Google cannot read the following:-

  • Websites with Flash–

Google does not make sense whether your website looks artistic or pretty. Some flashed ads are added to websites to show videos and animation to viewers. But the website with the most flash makes it very difficult to find in search results unless it becomes highly popular and has many websites linking back to your website.

  • Videos– 

Video may be important as part of your website but if your website or page is video-oriented only then Google only crawls the name of all videos as an indication, not as content.

  • Website Images – 

Image is an important part of web design that is used to represent your things in a website. We use “alt tag” to give info to Google about what the picture is about but it may not represent its beauty.

  • Layout – 

The layout of the website is very important. All the contents and images should look aligned so that they give a professional look.

  • Theme – 

Theme should be consistent throughout the website which gives the same look and feel on all the pages which will be clean and simple.

  • Fonts – 

Keep the same font style in your website in all the contents too. Only the sizing should change accordingly

Views Creative Web Design and What Google Views

Every page of the website is stored and indexed in Google. Google search engines always crawl the internet constantly and it ranks each page in place of the whole website. Thus it is most important that you ensure that every page is properly “tagged” so that it can be indexed and stored in a format that gives search results when people type phrases on Google’s search box.


Key on-page SEO elements

As a web designer, you should ensure that every page of a website is individually tagged for a particular topic. Flowing things that should be taken care of:

  • Title Tags
  • Description Tags
  • Keyword Tags
  • Alt Tags of Images
  • H1-H6 Tags
  • Keywords in your Text

Sometimes designers put the same tag on every page during designing which affects SEO.

  • Other Factors Affecting Your Site

Google is the biggest popular contest. In general terms, the more the number of sites that are linked back to your pages of a website, it results in a higher rank in Google search engine. When your website gets more links back that does not mean that you will be found easily. That’s why it has been placed on your website in local directories and Google every time we build a website. For a higher ranking, your website needs to be linked back to higher well-ranked websites to help you along.

  • Strategy of Online Traffic

Design of websites is the starting process of website building, not the end. Creating web design in such a way that your visitors find your company interesting enough to contact. First of all, you need to bring visitors to your website, However, to achieve it you have to follow different ways.

Emerging Technologies Transforming the Future of Web Design

Future trends in web design technology

You know, the web design game is changing, and it’s all thanks to some seriously cool tech. Check out these awesome innovations that are transforming the way we surf the web:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI):

    • AI is like the brain behind beauty. It’s making websites smarter, more personalized, and better at predicting what we want.
    • Think AI-powered chatbots, smart content generators, and websites that adapt to our preferences on the fly.
  2. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR):

    • AR and VR are taking us on wild adventures right from our screens. Imagine virtual tours, 3D product try-ons, and interactive experiences that feel like magic.
    • From trying on clothes to exploring far-off places, AR and VR are bringing the web to life in ways we never thought possible.
  3. Voice User Interface (VUI) Design:

    • Hey, who needs actions when you’ve got your voice? VUI design is all about making websites talk back to us.
    • Picture voice-activated search, hands-free navigation, and conversations with your favorite websites. It’s like having a chat with your computer!
  4. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs):

    • PWAs are the best of both worlds: they’re like apps but for the web. They’re fast, they work offline, and they’re always there when you need ’em.
    • Whether you’re shopping, reading the news, or catching up on social media, PWAs deliver a seamless experience across all your devices.
  5. Motion UI and Micro interactions:

    • Success lies in the small touches that create significant impact. Motion UI and micro interactions add a touch of magic to websites, with smooth animations and interactive bits.
    • From subtle page transitions to playful hover effects, these little touches make browsing the web a whole lot more fun.

So, there you have it – the future of web design is looking pretty darn exciting! With AI, AR, VR, VUI design, PWAs, and motion UI leading the way, who knows what amazing web experiences we’ll be enjoying next?

What should a modern website look like?

A modern website should look clean and neat. It should be easy to use and look good on phones and computers. Here are some things to look for in a modern website:

1. Simple Design:

  – A modern website should not look too busy. There should be plenty of space around things. Navigation menus should be intuitive and straightforward to navigate.

2. Works on Phones:

  – A modern website should work well on phones. It should look good and be easy to use, no matter what device you’re using.

3. Nice Pictures:

  – A modern website should have good pictures. The pictures should look clear and sharp.

4. Big Writing:

  – The words on a modern website should be easy to read. They must be large and clear enough for easy visibility.

5. Things Move:

  – Some parts of a modern website move a little. This can make the website more fun to use.

6. Looks the Same Everywhere:

  – A modern website should look the same no matter where you look at it. It should always have the same colors and logos.

7. Easy for Everyone:

  – A modern website should be easy for everyone to use. It should work well for people who have trouble seeing or using a mouse.

8. Loads Fast:

  – A modern website should load quickly. You shouldn’t have to wait a long time for it to appear.

9. Has Social Media:

   – A modern website should let you share things easily on social media. You should be able to see what other people say about it too.

10. Keeps You Safe:

   – A modern website should keep your information safe. It should use secure connections and protect you from bad things on the internet.

To sum up, a modern website should be simple, work well on phones, have good pictures and big writing, some parts should move a little, it should always look the same, be easy for everyone to use, load fast, have social media, and keep you safe.

How do branding and web design work together?

Branding and web design are like two peas in a pod – they work together to make your online presence shine. Let’s simplify it for better understanding:

1. Same Look Everywhere:

   – Your website should match your brand’s style. That means using the same colors, logos, and fonts as your other stuff, so people know it’s you.

2. Saying What You’re About:

   – Your website tells people what your brand stands for. Whether it’s through pictures, words, or how things look, it shows off what makes your brand special.

3. Making People Trust You:

   – A good-looking website makes people feel good about your brand. When things look nice and work well, it shows you care about your brand and your customers.

4. Making It Memorable:

   – A great website sticks in people’s minds. By being easy to use and having cool stuff to look at, it gives people a reason to remember your brand.

5. Getting People Involved:

   – Your website should get people interested in your brand. Whether it’s through buttons to click, fun things to play with, or easy ways to get in touch, it keeps people engaged.

6. Helping Your Marketing:

   – Your website is where all your online stuff comes together. Whether it’s selling things, sharing stuff, or getting people to sign up, it helps your brand do what it needs to do online.

7. Changing With Your Brand:

   – As your brand grows, your website needs to grow too. Web design lets you change your website to keep up with what your brand is all about.

So, there you have it – branding and web design work together to make your online presence look good, say the right things, earn people’s trust, stick in their minds, get them involved, help your marketing, and change as your brand grows.

AIS provides best-in-class web designing that will be eye-catching. AIS doesn’t use themes that are available online. AIS creates themes that are unique for the client and the website stands out in the crowd so that the users are attracted to the website. We also provide other services for a website like SEO and marketing that will boost your sales and services with a very good-looking web design. Contact AIS now for more information.

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