This is an age of Mobile and Tablets. Nowadays, most people use their mobile phone and tablets, so visitors open any website or application on their phone or tablets because they already have smartphones and tablets. All users open the website in their small screens all day. Whether it is online shopping, chat in social media Like Facebook, Twitter or any other web browsing, users prefer the small screen instead of big ones because small screens are portable and very much easier to use. If you Don’t have responsive website design then you lose multiple users of your business.
For a daily average user it is easy to carry a mobile in pocket or tablet in a bag. With a mobile the user can do multitasking, which makes things easier to do from a mobile for them. It also provides on the go portability which makes the use of mobile/tablet even easier. Due to reasons like this a website owner needs mobile responsive web design.
What is Responsive Web Design?
The approach of design and development which reacts with the users response and adjusts automatically from device to device. In easy words, responsive web design is the one that can be viewed with ease on any size of a screen from desktop monitors to mobile screens. For a responsive web design, web designers need to keep some key things in mind. They are:
- The images are made flexible so that they can easily change or resize according to the size of the viewer’s screen.
- Not just the images but also the website grids, the layout also needs to be flexible.
- A media query is an important part of responsive web design as it helps to check the capacity of any device in terms of device height and width of viewpoint. A media query provides the different rules for different types of devices.
- Make sure that CSS integration is done intelligently.
- CSS helps adjust automatically to every size of the screen the website loads in.
Advantages of responsive web design are listed here:
- Increase in Mobile/Tablet traffic
Website design for little screens is more sought after as they represent the larger part of the movement for a specific site. Thus, contacting a group of onlookers utilizing little size devices has turned into the need of great importance. Subsequently, mobile responsive website design turns out to be extremely basic, as users must be given extreme satisfaction while they browse through little screen devices. Twisted pictures or messages can ruin the reputation of a site. With time the requirements of devices like mobile and tablet also increase, so it won’t be any surprise to see the rise in the demand of responsive web design.
- Higher Positions in Search Engines
A mobile responsive website design dependably discovers its place high up in the search engine. A mobile responsive website design is certification to the way that the website has a single set of the hyperlink. That implies that time spent on keeping up the website diminishes and in that capacity the notoriety of the website improves. This helps secure its position among the first class websites. Google additionally prescribes these websites.
- Time and money saved on mobile website development.
This is one of the main advantages. With a responsive website we have no need to get a special mobile website built for the devices. As the site is already built with the functionality of auto adjusting according to the devices. Before the era of responsive websites the practice was to get 2 different websites developed that varies from device to device.
- Easy Management
As there is only one website to maintain, it is easy for the developer to concentrate on it. They can focus all the resources and the work is done smoothly.
A responsive website makes a lot of things done with ease without any hassle. It helps us stay ahead in the terms of a good website. It can help you grow your business and sales. As with time the requirement and demand of responsive websites will only increase as the demand of mobile/tablets are increasing.
Aarchi Infotech Solutions is a professional web design and development company in Perth. We offer all types of web services like web design, web development, SEO, logo design, graphic design, cloud hosting and more. Also, we provide the responsive web design at affordable prices. So Contact Us Today!