What makes a website popular and personalized? What features distinguish websites from each other? Why do users give preference to certain sites and do not consider other resources easy-to-use? These are only a few questions that worry most web design companies when they are going to work on their projects. The fact is that there are certain rules one should follow to make a website a success. Likewise, there are common mistakes that should better be avoided to make the entire web design process effective.
Here I am giving you few of the most widespread web design mistakes.
Better Have A Search Box
A high quality website usually consists of a number of pages that deliver much information. This amount of information can easily confuse a user. That is why the availability of the search box is not only desirable but essential. Whether it is a simple blog or a complex business website, a search box may help a visitor find the information he/she needs. That would be better web design than other sites.
Easy Navigation
Website navigation should be seamless to make users able to find the info they need in the most effective and easy way. There are different approaches to developing website navigation and each web design guy is free to choose the most suitable solution, which will complement the overall design of the resource. The only thing you should keep in mind is that, regardless of the complexity of your project, your website navigation should be consistent, smooth and intuitive. This will help users get their way around the website.
Visible Texts
No matter how complicated and unique your project is, users will not have any desire to keep browsing through it if the fonts and the texts published at the resource are not visible and readable. Do not forget about the well-known “7-seconds” rule, which states that users, who do not get what they need from a website they have found, are more likely to abandon it in about 7 seconds. One of the reasons that can make them refuse from further browsing through the resource is poorly readable texts, which can spoil the overall website search experience.
Aarchi Infotech Solution is the leading brand name in Web Industry of Perth. We have all the solution available for a little static website to a big ERP project. Web Design is our one of the expertise of many. We do awesome creations with unique imaginations which make your design better than others.